Welcome to the Green Lab!
In the Green Lab, we are broadly interested in the fundamental molecular mechanisms governing the epigenetic regulation of the genome and its integration with cellular signaling pathways. In particular, we aim to understand how post-translational modifications of proteins regulate critical biological functions, including the establishment of proper states of gene expression and the ability of cells to respond to stress. To address our research questions, we use a diversity of approaches in molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, genomics and proteomics in the model eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mammalian cells.
The Green Lab is located in the Department of Biological Sciences at UMBC. Follow the Green Lab on Twitter!
Recent Lab News
Jan 2025: Mandi Lichtenstein and Jo Szczyrbak start rotations in the lab. Welcome Mandi and Jo!
Dec 2024: Chase Andre passes his prelim exam. Congrats Chase!
Dec 2024: Praise Lasekan graduates and starts a research position in the Brewster lab. Congrats Praise!
Nov 2024: Phoenix and Praise represent the Green lab and present poster at ABRCMS!
Sept 2024:Winny and Chase attend the ASBMB conference on Transcriptional Regulation by Chromatin and RNA polymerase.
Sept 2024: Ginny Murray joins the lab for a rotation. Welcome Ginny!
July 2024: Luke attends and presents a poster at the FASEB Biological Methylation meeting.
July 2024: Erin gives a talk at the Telluride Scientific Research Conference on Epigenetic Mechanisms.
May 2024: Fidelia Asomani joins the lab for her PhD research. Welcome Fidelia!
May 2024: Seun is selected as a U-RISE scholar. Congrats Seun!
May 2024: Elgar Gabibov grauduates with a master’s degree in Applied Molecular Biology. Congrats Elgar!
May 2024: Phoenix Bryant joins the lab for her undergraduate research as an HHMI/Meyerhoff scholar. Welcome Phoenix!
April 2024: Maki defends her thesis and becomes Dr. Negesse! Congrats Maki!!
April 2024: Winny’s review on noncanonical SET domains is published in Journal of Molecular Biology. Congrats Winny and Isabella!
March 2024: Winny and Luke present posters at the TAGC conference in Washington DC.